Category: Weathering Hints, Tips, and How-To
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Weathering TTX Well Cars, the "Easy Way"

Anyone who's weathered a freight car knows that there are some that are easier to weather then others, based upon the type of weathering.  Rust bucket boxcars come to mind, when you discuss complex weathering.

When I think of easy to weather freight cars, my mind conjures up images of TTX well cars.  My reasoning?  Well they commonly have a fairly even layer of dark brownish-black grime.

To begin I've removed the trucks and couplers from a Walthers NSC 53' well car.  In my airbrush mixing bottle, I've mixed up a batch of paint, using ten (10) parts Testors dullcote (from the glass bottle, not a spray can), one (1) part Model Master enamel burnt umber, and one (1) part Floquil grimy black.

Using a simple, external mix, single action airbrush is fine here, however, any bottom feed brush will work.  Spray the mixture evenly across the model, adding very little color on each pass.  The dullcote works as an effective thinner, and aids in fast drying times.  The grime spray should be very thin, which will allow you to successively build up the grime.

After two coats, I use a cotton swab dipped in 70% Isopropyl alcohol, to carefully remove some of the paint from the ribs.  Work quick, and do no scrub too hard.  Once the ribs are dry, we can spray on one more layer of grime.

I remove the grime on the ribs before the last layer for one reason.  I feel it helps to blend the lighter areas with the darker areas better then the typical clean the rib after all weathering is done method.  Cleaning after could cause the accidental "spotless" rib, which is what we do not want.

After the paint dries, you can re-attach weathered trucks, and have a fairly decent, weathered TTX well car.

©2011/2020, Josh Baakko,