Category: Freight Projects
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Modeling a Turtle Creek Central Boxcar

Drawing from Model Railroader's famous 4'x8' layout, the Turtle Creek Central

Microscale decal sheet, Roundhouse double plug door 50' boxcar, and Model Master SAC Bomber Green.

I recently picked up two Microscale decal sheets, for Model Railroader's Turtle Creek Central. The decal sheet's application chart does not list much in the way of colors, as MR's crew never developed a set paint scheme.

Locomotive & Caboose colors were picked, and described in a later article in MR. A recent email to the staff revealed that they decaled a few boxcars. They used an Oxide Red Accurail data only boxcar.

In conversations with modelers on some forums, I decided upon green, to go with the turtle theme.

My choice for the boxcar was Model Master SAC Bomber Green. Its sort of a lighter shade of Olive Drab. Later projects (covered hoppers) will be painted lighter, using Floquil Light Green.

- I opted for the spray can to ease my clean up. Apply two coats one diagonally from the top, and one diagonally from the bottom, when dry, give it a quick inspection to make sure its fully painted.

- Now evenly coat the sides of the car with glosscote. This step is necessary with the Model Master paint as its dull, and decals adhere to gloss better.

- Once the glosscote dries (give it a good 2 hours MINIMUM), you can begin decaling.

Top of car sides, right to left: "Turtle Creek Central" text comes first on the left upper corner. I had to cut the central out of line, and put it centered beneath "Turtle Creek", as my car did not have enough space. To the right of the door will come the slogan and then logo. I made sure they're on the same line, as it looks better to me.

Just above, and to the right of the left side ladder is where the reporting marks & road number go. Microscale shows them on to lines, I opted for one line.

The small "TCC ###" goes to the upper right hand corner of each end. I put mine fairly low to allow space for the white "excess height car" paint strip.

- I then glosscote the car again to seal the decals.

- After the glosscote has dried, mask the sides of the car. Now you can paint the roof silver. I use Testors Silver spray paint, as I like the way it looks.

- Once the roof has dried, remove the masking. Optional: If your car is an excess height car, now is the time to mask the sides, ends & roof, leaving a small white square for the excess height bar.

- Optional, dependent on excess height: Remove masking, and glosscote one last time.

- Now add appropriate data decals. Microscale, Highball, and others make some.

- Once data decals are complete, dullcote the whole car. Weather it as you see fit.

Now you've got a complete TCC boxcar!

© 2008, 2019, Josh Baakko,